
Park Monte Albán-Xoxocotlán

Participatory Design Workshop To safeguard the archaeological site is an urgency needed more than ever. At the same time, it is primordial to address some other issues around this place. We aim at raising awareness among inhabitants about the cultural importance of Monte Alban, giving order to the urban planning, elevating the life quality, using water and rainwater more efficiently, respecting the natural landscape and creating resilience.

By taking these aims into consideration, Nahuel Beccan Davila, from MAP Urban Strategies has been invited by INAH, Mexico, to organize a participative and design workshop. This will be an opportunity to identify the most urgent issues to attend, as well as the possibilities for development and improvement. The methodology to work in this workshop will be integral and bring consensus among participants

In this workshop, representatives of neighborhoods, professionals of INAH, authorities of the State of Oaxaca, including those related to urbanism, environment, and water management, and students from Universidad Benito Juarez (UABJO) and Tecnológica de la Mixteca (UTM) will participate. They all will collaborate along with the work of Xicalli Coliuhqui, Arquinistas and Deltares. This workshop takes place thanks to the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Mexico.